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Hair Transplant

Micro follicular Hair Transplant

In this technique, a strip of hair-bearing skin is taken from the back of the head (which is the area of baldness. This area is comparatively untouched by the male hormones which are accountable for baldness. The hair-bearing strip is cut down to single follicles under magnification. Slits are made by a microsurgical blade, while the follicular unit insertion is done with a microforceps. This procedure can take 3-4 hours. Normally, these two procedures are done simultaneously, thus the entire process can be expected to last 4-6 hours. For the front of the head about 1500-1800 hair follicle units are needed. For full coverage, about 6000 units may be needed. It is favoured to make a second replacement after 6-8 months.

Hair is similar to a plant root that requires a certain distance between each graft to enable them to grow with better intensity. In the frontal hairline, only single hair is inserted irregularly. For achieving a greater density, repetitive sessions are needed. The entire process is carried out under local anaesthesia by using various anaesthetic agents that are fast acting as well as have an extended duration of action. This results in a comfortable procedure, even if the patient is awake, and actively participates in the preparation of the hairline. patients can even drive back themselves to their homes after the procedure, with the help of an attendant

For Hairline Design In young patients, it is necessary to extend the ultimate frontal hairline. The frontal hairline is irregularly projected, keeping the temporal recesses, and a non-straight line is significant to achieve a natural and non-detectable result. The forehead middle point is usually 8 cm distant from the root of the nose ranging from 7 to 9 cm depending on the facial structure. After the course of the treatment, the tiny hair that is transplanted in the graft usually falls out within the first few weeks, which is normal. The hair then grows back normally from the hair root and will be obvious by almost 3 months and carry on growing as fast and as long as your normal hair, normally about 1cm a month. Some crusting can appear around the grafts. These should not be scratched as the grafts may be pulled out. These crusts will dissolve quickly once hair wetting is started. The grafted area of the scalp appears to be slightly pinker in colour than usual for a few days but this soon passes. It takes around 6-7 months to notice good hair growth in men and about 9-10 month in case of women.

Surgical Incisions and Procedure Incisions like inframammary, periareolar, axillary, and transumbilical have been used. We prefer to use the inframammary and the transaxillary approaches. The positioning of the implant is either in the sub glandular, subpectoral or subfascial (described by Dr Ruth Graf, and preferred by the author). Transaxillary approach allows a virtual scarless breast enlargement with endoscopic control. Transaxillary technique of subpectoral augmentation has been available for many years, critics have observed difficulty in attaining precise positioning of the implant in the lower pole of the breast. Major advantages have been the absence of any scar on the breast surface, an avoidance of breast ductal transaction, and a low probability of sensory nerve injury Follicular Unit Extraction This has been described as a Scarless Hair Transplant Procedure. Short punches of 1-1.5 mm are employed for cutting the hair directly from the scalp and then embedded into the bald area. various donor areas like the chest hair, hair of the temple region, back of the head, the beard region can be used. This method is more time consuming and generally limited to 800-1000 follicular units at a time. FUE is saved for those who do not want a scar on the back of the head, or in those where adequate scalp hair is not available at the finest.

Follocular Unit Transplantation

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)Follicular unit hair transplant (FUT) is the gold standard for hair transplant procedures. According to international data, 91 per cent of hair transplant processes all over the world are done using the FUT process. The process involves removing a strip from the back of your head (where hair growth is permanent), separating the hair follicles one by one, and then implanting the individual grafts in the area of baldness or thinning

Advantages A large number of grafts can be harvested in one go. approximately 2,500 to 3,000 grafts can be extracted. Since each graft has anywhere between 1 and 4 follicles, this means nearly 6,000 to 6,500 follicles can be taken out in each session.

No need for shaving the hair.
Early return to work.
Minimum wastage rates, of 0 to 1%
Larger follicle to graft ratio as compared to FUE.
Quite a fast process, leading to good patient satisfaction

We understand that image and appearance is an important part of your entire well-being. At Dermcos Skin Care Clinic we discuss the entire spectrum of your cosmetic interests, from skin and face to the rest of your body. All your cosmetic augmentation needs are met by our team of equipped caring surgeons, nurses and anesthesiologists.