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Glow your skin with PRP skin treatment at dermcos


Having bright as well as glowing skin is not a necessity but if one has, it is considered to be a perk. You can easily win people and represent yourself properly if you are having glowing skin. But when we are at our work and come home tired, we hardly get time to work on our skin to keep it flowing. Therefore, you can go for skin treatment, specifically PRP skin treatment at dermcos. PRP, that is Platelet-rich plasma, is a treatment to remove all the types of scars, lines, wrinkles, and such anti-aging problems. To make the skin glowing, it also helps in removing dark circles below your eyes. 

It makes your skin grow new tissues and remove old and dead ones so that your skin can look tight and young. Moreover, it is also often done to cure the side effects as well as negative results of the micro-needling process. It gives good relief if you are suffering from redness or swelling on your skin. Also, the results of these skin treatment options are quite faster as compared to the other skin treatments. This is the reason why it is preferred by a lot of people.

However, doctors prefer not to go for this treatment while pregnant. Also, your skin needs to be free from any kind of new scars to allow them to perform PRP treatment for skin glowing. If you have gone through skin radiation within a year, then you should wait for some period of time to make your skin ready for the treatment. You do not need to worry about these factors as when you visit our clinic, the doctor will observe and study your skin and tell whether you are a good candidate for this treatment or not. 

To make your skin safe for PRP treatment, you must avoid direct contact with the sun at least before a month of starting this treatment. One shall also be careful about the types of cosmetic products they are using. Also, to keep your skin healthy, fit as well as hydrated, you should drink a lot of water. These are some basic things to practice in order to make your skin ready to glow!

After you are there at our clinic, our supportive staff will assist you in completing all the paperwork. After you are done with that stuff and are ready for the treatment, you will be given topical anesthesia. The treatment is started by the doctors within an hour of applying anesthesia. 

When the treatment is started, some amount of blood is taken out from your body and is kept for centrifugation. From the sample of your blood, PRP and other various components are separated. After extracting PRP from your blood through this process, it is then massaged to the area of skin where the treatment has to be done. This treatment is best performed along the process of micro-needling. 

This procedure is completed almost in an hour and some kind of serum is applied to your skin to keep it free from irritation as well as an infection. You are allowed to go home immediately after the treatment and when you start to feel good. You may experience some redness or swelling after the treatment is done. Moreover, it is very important to keep that portion of skin free fro direct contact to the sun as this can aid in making your skin red and in swelling. This is a very reliable treatment as the plasma used to massage your skin is extracted from your skin. Thus, there are almost no chances that you will have to suffer from any kind of infection. 

The redness and swelling after the treatment can be avoided and can also be healed in a shorter period of time if you take care of your skin and wash it at regular intervals. You can go to your place of work immediately after the day of your treatment. Keeping your diet regulated after the treatment would give you better outcomes. Also, the person should avoid the consumption of alcohol after the treatment. Hence, your skin will be almost healed after 2-3 days after the treatment is completed. 

You will start to observe the results on your skin after a week of the treatment. The scars, as well as the wrinkles, will start to disappear and your skin will start glowing again. The people who have undergone PRP treatment feel happy and satisfied after they are done with the treatment. It has a high success rate and does not involve any risk to the patient if the process is performed by a specialist. Therefore, if you want your skin to be healthy and glowing, then you must visit our clinic.

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