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Laser Hair Removal-Procedure, Benefits, and cost

Laser Hair Removal

If you dread waxing, tweezing, and shaving and wish for a long-lasting solution for your unwanted hair growth, there’s a piece of good news for you. Laser hair removal is an advanced technique and one of the most popular and demanding cosmetic procedures in the present day. It effectively eliminates unwanted hair from the face and other body parts like arms, legs, chest, underarms, abdomen, etc., and halts their growth for a very long time. It can be performed on all skin types.

Scroll ahead to know more about the laser hair removal procedure, the process of how it is performed, its advantages, and the cost aspects.

What is Laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal is a minimally invasive procedure, which uses a concentrated beam of light to remove unwanted hair. A pigment(melanin) present in the hair follicles, absorbs this light and produces heat which destroys the hair follicles and prevents their further regrowth. Multiple sessions are required for the initial hair removal and after that, a few maintenance sessions may be required for long-lasting and satisfying results. It is most effective in people with dark hair and light skin.

What are the laser hair removal procedure benefits?

It is considered the most appropriate procedure for those who wish to get rid of unwanted hair, easily and efficiently. The laser hair removal benefits include:

  • It is a safe procedure and does not cause any damage to your skin.
  • It is painless and a very quick procedure with no downtime.
  •  It provides long-lasting, predictable, and satisfying results.
  •  Laser hair removal is capable of selectively treating coarse dark hair without causing damage to the surrounding area.
  • Laser hair removal is a convenient and cost-effective method in the long term.

How to prepare for laser hair removal?

A thorough consultation session with the doctor is essential, where they will assess and discuss your medical history, any medications, if you are taking, the present condition of your skin and hair growth, your requirements, and wishes, the risks, probable results, and cost aspects, etc. Pictures will be taken for the before and after comparison.

Before the procedure, your doctor will instruct you the following, to get prepared:

  • Avoid exposure to the sun at least 6 weeks before the procedure, as the procedure cannot be performed on tanned skin. Apply recommended sunscreen during unavoidable circumstances.
  • To avoid skin irritation, refrain from waxing or plucking 6 weeks before the treatment.
  • The doctor will advise stopping any blood-thinning medications like aspirin a few days before the surgery.
  • Avoid using any skin creams that may darken the skin.

How is the laser hair removal procedure performed?

The step by step process of laser hair removal procedure is as follows:

  • Shaving is done as a part of the procedire. The doctor will clean the treatment area with an antiseptic.
  • The doctor and the patient, both will need to wear protective eyewear to protect the eyes from the laser beam.
  • A numbing solution/cream will be applied to the skin to minimize any pain and discomfort during the procedure.
  • The doctor will shorten the hair by a few millimeters and apply a cooling gel with a handheld instrument which helps in better absorption of the laser beam and also prevents skin damage.
  • The laser beam is put on the treatment area and the light beam passes to the hair follicles through the skin and destroys them by extreme heat.
  • You may feel mild discomfort like a warm pinprick along with a cold sensation from the gel.
  • The treatment will take just a few minutes for smaller areas like the upper lips and around an hour for larger areas like legs or back etc.
  • The hair fall is not instant and takes some time after the procedure.

What is the recovery of laser hair removal like?

After the treatment:

  • You may experience mild pain, redness, and swelling which usually subsides in a day or two.
  • The hair which is laser-treated falls off in around a month and may form blisters.
  • Apply ice packs to the treated area to reduce discomfort and swelling.
  • Keep your treated area clean and do not apply any cosmetic products to the area except for recommended creams and moisturizers.
  • Avoid exposure to the sun at least 6 weeks after the procedure or as advised by the doctor.
  • The doctor might apply a steroid cream; in case any skin allergy appears immediately after the procedure.

Follow all your doctor’s instructions and immediately contact him/her if sudden swelling, intense pain, too much redness, or any unusual sign appears later after going home.

What is the cost of a laser hair removal procedure?

The laser hair removal treatment cost varies across different regions and areas and depends upon various factors like:

  • Doctor’s credentials: The more qualified and experienced doctors will definitely charge a little more, but also provide better and quality outcomes.
  • The extent of the treatment area: The bigger the area to be treated, the more laser hair removal prices will be.
  • The number of sessions required: Each session has its cost, so the number of sessions required for desirable results, will alter the cost.
  •  Location of the clinic: The cost will differ depending upon the area where the clinic is located.
  • The technology used: The clinics which use modern technology and the latest equipment will charge more but with much better and quick results with minimal discomfort and side effects.
  • Other additional charges: Like medication charges, etc. will add to the laser hair removal prices.

The average laser hair removal treatment cost varies between INR 1,800 – INR 10,000 per session.

It is quite affordable and proves to be a lifelong investment if we weigh the cost-to-benefit ratio and its long-term effects.


1. How long does laser hair removal last?

The results vary for each individual depending upon the density and type of hair and skin. Most people see long-term effects for years, some may need maintenance treatment sessions every 6 months to a year. But definitely, it is much better and cost-effective than getting waxing done every month or so.

2. Can laser hair removal be done during pregnancy?

Although laser hair removal is a safe procedure and there is no evidence to suggest any risk to the unborn child, there are no long-term studies to see any effects of laser on the unborn baby, but then also it is recommended to avoid laser hair removal treatment during pregnancy.

3. Can we get laser hair removal at any age?

There is no age bar for a laser hair removal procedure, but you should have at least reached the age of puberty, before opting for this treatment. Usually, the recommended age is not less than 16 years.

4. Are there any side effects of laser hair removal?

There are minimal side effects of the laser hair removal procedure. Mostly, mild pain, redness, swelling, and discomfort are felt for the initial few days after the procedure, which subsides on its own and with some medications. Rarely, other side effects may develop like:

  • Scars.
  • Burns.
  • Change in skin color.
  • Itching.
  • Blistering of the skin.

Usually, these occur when you do not follow the post-surgical instructions properly. Therefore, always follow your doctor’s instructions religiously.

5. Which is the best skin clinic to get laser hair removal done?

Visit, Dermcos skin care clinic, for the best laser hair removal procedure by the topmost dermatologists in Delhi NCR. We, at Dermcos, believe in’ making you love your skin, by enhancing the health and charm of your skin. We work together to provide you with the best solutions for all your skin problems, with excellent customized treatment solutions according to your needs and wishes. With the hands of the most experienced and qualified doctors and trained staff, using the latest treatment modalities, state-of-art technology, and modern equipment, it is considered the center of excellence for dermatology and cosmetology. Experience the most successful and outstanding results in a safe and comfortable environment at a pocket-friendly cost.

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